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We know that there are a lot of people that have grown up with no training or help on how to manage their money. This is something that we feel needs changing and that is why we put together this website. We decided that it would be a good idea to present some information to help people think more about their finances. We hope that, by learning a bit, it will encourage people to think more about money and how they can change some of the things that they do which will help them. We also hope that once they have worked through the website and thought about what they might change in the future, that they will want to learn more. We believe that knowing as much as you can about money is the key to managing it more easily. We realise that there are people that find that dull but we hope that we can provide lots of motivation by explaining the importance of knowing more, that it will encourage a lot of people to do more learning and therefore to understand the importance of the financial decisions they are making and how to make sure that they give them enough thought.